Resistivities of cellulose acetate (CA) were measured before and after neutron irradiation in order to investigate the possibility of using this material for neutron dosimetry. Following the work by Fadel, which showed a 50% decrease in resistivity after irradiation with AM-Be neutrons (average energy = 4.5 MeV) to a fluence of 3.18 x 109 cm-2, we have irradiated our samples with 252Cf neutrons (average energy = 2.1 MeV) to a fluence of 3.18 x 109 cm-2. Since the restivity of CA is a sensitive function of humidity, resistivities of control samples were also measured and these controls were subjected to the same storage conditions and humidity controls as the irradiated samples. Our measurements showed that the decrease in resistivity for the irradiated samples was only about 10% when compared to the control samples. We therefore conclude that it will be very difficult to use the phenomenon of resistivity change in CA as the basis of a practical neutron dosemeter for personnel protection.