Lymphocytes and Langerhans cells in patch tests

The distribution of immunocompetent cells was analyzed in allergic (Ni) and irritant (dithranol) patch tests using conventional transmission electron microscopy and labelling with monoclonal antibodies in an avidin-biotin immunoperoxidase study. The biopsies were taken 24 or 48 h after the allergen/irritant application. In allergic and irritant reactions, most inflammatory cells were OKT11 positive (pan T lymphocytes). The majority of these cells were also OKT4 positive (helper/inducer T lymphocytes), while the minority were OKT8 positive (suppressor/cytotoxic T lymphocytes). NK9 positive cells (natural killer cells) were observed in small numbers. The number of dendritic OKT6 and OKIal positive cells (Langerhans cells) in the epidermis was unaffected in allergic reactions. In irritant reactions, a normal number of OKT6 positive Langerhans cells was observed, while the number of OKIal positive cells had increased in the epidermis. Dithranol caused prominent fine structural changes in the mitochondria of the Langerhans cells, while the keratinocytes appeared largely unaffected. Allergic and irritant patch tests cannot be differentiated reliably using current immunohistopathological or EM techniques, in spite of the small differences observed.