Improved Performance of Plasma Gonadotrophin Assays Using Common Reagents and Assay Protocols: Evidence from the UK External Quality Assessment Scheme

Radioimmunoassay kits prepared in the Chelsea Hospital for Women for follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinising hormone (LH) have been used in 26 UK laboratories for over 2 years. Data from the UK External Quality Assessment Schemes for FSH and LH have been used to provide an independent assessment of the performance of these kits over a 12-month period. For both analytes, users of the kits were found to have: a low variability of the bias, implying good within-laboratory, between-assay precision; a lower between-laboratory, within-sample geometric coefficient of variation than users of ‘own’ methods, implying better between-laboratory agreement; method bias that did not differ significantly from laboratories using ‘own’ method protocols. This survey indicates that a non-commercial organisation can produce immunoassay kits that improve the quality of FSH and LH assays generally available.

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