An Improved Framework for Superparameterization

This paper discusses a large-scale modeling system with explicit representation of small-scale and mesoscale processes provided by a cloud-resolving model embedded in each column of a large-scale model, the superparameterization. In the original formulation, referred to as the cloud-resolving convection parameterization (CRCP), thermodynamic variables were coupled using appropriate averaging procedure, but horizontal momenta were coupled only through the relaxation approach. The improved system is based on the general formulation of the coupling between the two models, and the relaxation technique is abandoned. A simple but robust time integration scheme for the system is developed using the nonoscillatory forward-in-time approach applied in both the large-scale and cloud-scale models. The improved formulation is applied to the problem, previously studied by the author, of large-scale organization of equatorial convection on a rotating constant sea surface temperature (SST) aquaplanet in convecti... Abstract This paper discusses a large-scale modeling system with explicit representation of small-scale and mesoscale processes provided by a cloud-resolving model embedded in each column of a large-scale model, the superparameterization. In the original formulation, referred to as the cloud-resolving convection parameterization (CRCP), thermodynamic variables were coupled using appropriate averaging procedure, but horizontal momenta were coupled only through the relaxation approach. The improved system is based on the general formulation of the coupling between the two models, and the relaxation technique is abandoned. A simple but robust time integration scheme for the system is developed using the nonoscillatory forward-in-time approach applied in both the large-scale and cloud-scale models. The improved formulation is applied to the problem, previously studied by the author, of large-scale organization of equatorial convection on a rotating constant sea surface temperature (SST) aquaplanet in convecti...