Thinned Backside Illuminated Ccds For Ultraviolet, Soft X-Ray And Electron-Beam Imaging

THOMSON-CSF is developing thinned CCDs for backside illumination which will provide high quantum efficiency for the detection of UV, soft X-ray and electrons of a few keV. The most critical stage of the process is the backside treatment of the thinned devices : accumulation condition is necessary to prevent recombination of the photoelectrons created near the back surface. The backside process developed at THOMSON-CSF involves a shallow p+ implantation activated by laser annealing. Results obtained on thinned frame-transfer CCDs (576 x 384 Pixels) are presented : a quantum efficiency of 50% at 3500 Å (25°C) and in excess of 60% in the range 4000 Å - 6500 Å (25°C) without antireflection coating. Preliminary results with VUV and soft X-ray are also given.

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