Natural occurrence of 3-aryl-4-hydroxycoumarins. Part II. Phytochemical examination of Derris scandens(roxb.) benth.

The root material of Derris scandens collected from two localities in India has yielded five natural products whose structures have been examined mainly by physical methods in association with a few partial syntheses and degradations. The extractives include the isoflavones, warangalone (scandenone)(VIIa) and chandalone (XIV), and three 3-aryl-4-hydroxycoumarins, Ionchocarpic acid (II), scandenin (III), and Ionchocarpenin (X), The results of the examination of these extractives are compared with earlier studies and the biogenetic significance of the natural co-occurrence of isoflavones and 3-aryl-4-hydroxycoumarins is discussed.

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