Flavonoid Distribution in the Aurantioideae (Rutaceae)

In the Aurantioideae (Rutaceae) the advance in morphological specialization is accompanied by an increased complexity of flavonoid constituents. The capacity for C-glycosylation is retained throughout the subfamily. As morphological development proceeds from the remote citrus relatives to the more highly specialized true citrus fruit trees, flavone O-glycosides replace flavonol O-glycosides except for Balsamocitrinae, where flavonols predominate. The distribution of flavanones is restricted to Pleiospermium and to the 6 genera [Fortunella Swingle, Eremocitrus Swingle, Poncirus, Clymenia, Microcitrus Swingle and Citrus L.] of the true citrus fruit trees. Similarities in the flavonoid profiles of Citrinae and Balsamocitrinae support Swingle''s (1943) taxonomic concept of the subfamily.

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