Electrophysiological properties of cerebellar granule cells and synapses between granule and Purkinje cells were studied in dissociated cultures. Electrophysiological properties of neurons and synapses in the mammalian central nervous system are best studied in dissociated cell cultures because of good target cell visibility, control over the contents of the extracellular solution, and the feasibility of whole-cell patch electrode recording, which has been a powerful technique in analyzing biophysical properties of ionic channels in small cells. We have applied this whole-cell recording technique to cultured cerebellar granule cells whose electrophysiological properties have been almost unknown because of their small cell size. In this study, simultaneous intracellular recordings from presynaptic granule and postsynaptic Purkinje cells demonstrated that granule cells made functional monosynaptic connections with Purkinje cells in dissociated cell cultures. Further, the existence of Na, Ca, and K channels in granule cells is demonstrated by external ion substitutions.