Mobility of Slow Electrons in a Polar Crystal

We have obtained an approximate expression for the impedance function at all frequencies, temperatures, and coupling strengths of an electron coupled to a polar lattice (a system commonly called a polaron). The starting point for the calculation is the quantum mechanical expression for the expected current. The phonon coordinates are eliminated from this expression by well-known field-theory techniques. The resulting exact "influence functional" is then approximated by a corresponding quadratic "influence functional" which, it is hoped, imitates the real polaron. Correction terms are computed to account for the difference between the approximate impedance and the exact polaron impedance in a manner closely analogous to Feynman's treatment of the polaron self-energy. In fact, the analytic evaluation of the expression for the impedance obtained here is carried out using the approximate "influence functional" that was successfully employed in minimizing the binding (and free) energy of the polaron in earlier calculations. However, the accuracy obtained using this approximation, for the impedance calculation, is less satisfactory and its limitations are discussed. Nevertheless, beginning at intermediate coupling strengths, the approximate impedance produces a level structure of increasing complexity and narrowing resonances as the coupling strengthens. This suggests that further refinements may be fruitful. Methods for finding a better quadratic influence functional for use in our impedance expression as well as ways of improving the expression further are suggested. A comparison of our results with those of the Boltzmann equation points up interesting differences which arise from reversing the order of taking limits of zero frequency and coupling.

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