Spreading of Polydimethylsiloxane Drops on Solid Horizontal Surfaces

Effect of the volume of drops, surface energy and roughness of substrate together with temperature and viscosity on the spreading velocity of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) drops on solid horizontal surfaces was studied. Spreading velocity was shown to grow with decreasing drop volume, the effect being more pronounced at high viscosities of polymer. The deviation of shape of the spreading drop from that of a spherical segment is more pronounced the higher the surface energy of substrate, the higher the polymer viscosity and the smaller the drop volume. Spreading on a rough surface is slower than on a smooth one owing to the energy barrier created by surface inhomogeneities: the barrier is to be overcome by the spreading liquid. Based on the experimental results a mechanism of spreading of polymer drops is proposed. Changes in potential energy of a drop and in the free surface energy of the system during spreading were compared, allowing a theoretical evaluation of the influence of gravity on the spreading velocity of drops. A theoretical analysis of spreading kinetics of viscous drops is given. The equation proposed agrees well with the experimental results at 90° > θ > 0°.

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