The movement parameters of a sea urchin sperm flagellum can be manipulated mechanically by applying various modes of periodic vibrations to the sperm head held by suction in the tip of a micropipette. The beat frequency of the flagellum readily synchronizes with the frequency of the externally imposed lateral vibration, and the plane of flagellar bending waves adapts itself to the plane of the pipette vibration (Gibbons et al., J. Cell Biol. 101:270a, 1985; Nature 325: 351–352, 1987). In this study, we observed the particular effects of external asymmetric forces on flagellar beating parameters by vibrating the micropipette holding the sperm head in a transverse sawtooth-like motion composed of a rapid effective stroke and a slower recovery stroke, while keeping the vibration frequency constant. The results demonstrate that the timing of bend initiation within the flagellar beat cycle can be controlled mechanically by changing the time point within the vibration cycle at which the micropipette changes its direction of motion. A switch in the sidedness of the asymmetric movement of the micropipette produces dramatic changes in the profiles of bend growth in the basal 5 μm of the flagellum but has almost no effect on the asymmetry or other parameters of bending in the mid- and distal regions of the flagellum. Our results suggest that elastic strain within the basal region of the flagellar structure may play a more significant role in the process of bend initiation than has been realized heretofore.