Ablation of a Left‐Sided Free‐Wall Accessory Pathway by Percutaneous Catheter Application of Radiofrequency Current in a Patient with the Wolff‐Parkinson‐White Syndrome

KUCK, K‐H., et al.: Ablation of a Left‐Sided Free‐Wall Accessory Pathway by Percutaneous Catheter Application of Radiofrequency Current in a Patient with the Wolff‐Parkinson‐White Syndrome A case is presented of a 20‐year‐old woman with a history of three episodes of syncope within the last 4 years, which was caused by a rapid ventricular response to atrial fibrillation via a left‐sided posterior accessory pathway. A variety of antiarrhythmic agents had failed to control the arrhythmia. Using a novel dual catheter approach, with one catheter in the coronary sinus and an adjacent catheter in the left ventricle close to the mitral annulus, accessory pathway conduction was successfully interrupted by two radiofrequency current applications between the tip electrodes of the two catheters. During follow‐up, 12‐lead electrocardiogroms have been normal and the patient has been asymptomatic.