An interpretation of the isomer shift of 119mSn in its two ionic states [(2 + ) and (4 + )] and its one covalent (sp 3 ) state is presented. Based on the values of the isomer shifts of the ideal configuration of + 2.86 mm/sec for Sn(2 + ), − 2.36 mm/sec for Sn(4 + ), and − 0.075 mm/sec for Sn (sp 3 ) all relative to Mg2Sn (77°K) and a Liberman‐Waber‐Cromer relativistic wavefunction calculation, a value of δR / R = + 9.21 × 10 −5 is obtained. In addition, a calibration for the corresponding shift due to a single 5s electron, 3.06 mm/sec, the 5s − 5s screening effects, −0.20 mm/sec, the 5s − 5p screening effects, − 0.09 mm/sec, and the inner‐shell screening due to the 5s electron, − 0.05 mm/sec is given.