Expression of ras oncogene p21 during human fetal development as determined by monoclonal antibodies RAP-5, Y13-259, and DWP

In this report we describe the expression of the ras proto-oncogene p21 protein in various tissues during normal fetal development. Conventional, formalin fixed and paraffin-embedded sections of normal organs were examined from fetuses ranging 9 to 42 weeks of gestation. Immunohistochemical localization of ras p21 was accomplished using the broadly reactive, mouse monoclonal antibodies RAP-5 and Y13-259. The monoclonal antibody DWP, which is specific for a mutated form of ras p21 having a valine/cysteine at amino acid position 12, was also used. Detectable expression of the p21 protein was seen at different time periods during fetal development depending on the tissue. The expression of ras p21 (as detected by RAP-5 and Yl3-259) was noted in a wide range of cell types and tissues; intense immunostaining was noted in epithelial cells of the gastrointestinal tract, exocrine and endocrine pancreas, renal tubules and transitional urotheliem, as well as in other tissues. This immunostaining generally, but not invariably, corresponded with patterns previously reported in benign and/or malignant neoplasms of adult tissues. In most instances ras p21 expression, when present, occured during periods of rapid growth in given organ systems. However, some actively proliferating fetal tissues such as thymus and spleen, failed to express detectable ras p21 suggesting that factors other than cell cycle may influence its expression. No reactivity with DWP was noted in any of the tissues, suggesting that the mutated forms detected by this monoclonal antibody are not expressed during normal human embryogenesis. These data show that there is regulated expression, and broad distribution of this gene product in normal developing human fetal tissue.