Insertional Mutagenesis in a Homologue of a Pi Transporter Gene Confers Arsenate Resistance on Chlamydomonas

An arsenate-resistant mutant AR3 of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a recessive mutant generated by random insertional mutagenesis using the ARG7 gene. AR3 shows about 10-fold resistance against arsenate toxicity compared with the wild type. By using a flanking region of an inserted tag as a probe, we cloned the corresponding wild-type allele (PTB1) of a mutated gene, which could completely complement the arsenate-resistance phenotype of AR3. The size of PTB1 cDNA is about 6.0 kb and it encodes a putative protein comprising 1,666 amino acid residues. This protein exhibits significant sequence similarity with the yeast Pho89 protein, which is known to be a Na+/Pi co-transporter, although the PTB1 protein carries an additional Gln- and Gly-rich large hydrophilic region in the middle of its primary structure. Analyses of arsenic accumulation and release revealed that PTB1-disrupted cells show arsenate resistance due to low arsenate uptake. These results suggest that the PTB1 protein is a factor involved in arsenate (or Pi) uptake. Kinetics of Pi uptake revealed that the activity of high-affinity Pi transport component in AR3 is more activated than that in the wild type.