Relationship of running to musculoskeletal pain with age. A six‐year longitudinal study

Objective. To determine, by longitudinal study, whether long-distance running, maintained for many years, is associated with increased musculoskeletal pain with age. Methods. A 6-year prospective longitudinal study of 410 runners' club members and 289 community controls, age 53-75 years at study initiation, was conducted. Subjects were also categorized as ever-runners (n = 488) and never-runners (n = 211). The primary dependent variable was pain score as indicated on a horizontal double-anchored analog scale; data for this variable were available beginning in 1987. Statistical adjustment for age, education level, smoking, alcohol consumption, history of arthritis, and presence of other major medical conditions was done by analysis of covariance. Further analyses of previously reported associations of regular vigorous physical activity with decreased disability and mortality after 9 years were performed. Results. The degree of musculoskeletal pain was slightly lower in the exercise group compared with controls, and the difference was statistically significant for women but not for men. Average adjusted pain scores for men were 18.3 (SEM 0.8) in runners' club members, 20.2 (1.2) in controls, 18.6 (0.8) in ever-runners, and 20.3 (1.6) in never-runners. For women, these scores were 17.5 (1.8) in runners' club members versus 22.8 (1.4) in controls (P < 0.05), and 17.2 in ever runners versus 23.7 (1.5) in never-runners (P < 0.002). Disability had continued to develop in runners' club members at a rate only one-third that in the controls after 9 years of observation. Mortality over 9 years consisted of 51 deaths, of which 41 were in the control group and only 10 were among runners' club members. Conclusion. Vigorous running activity over many years is not associated with an increase in musculoskeletal pain with age, and there may be a moderate decrease in pain, particularly in women. Vigorous physical activity is associated with greatly decreased levels of disability and with decreased mortality rates.