Chlorine Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Study of HgCl2

The Zeeman effect of the nuclear quadrupole resonance of 35Cl in crystalline powder of HgCl2 has been studied. The asymmetry parameters (η) of the electric‐field gradient for the two physically nonequivalent chlorine sites have been obtained. For the higher‐frequency line the η value is 0.30±0.01 and for the lower‐frequency line η=0.28±0.01. The variation of the nuclear quadrupole resonance frequency with temperature for both the sites has also been studied from room temperature to liquid‐nitrogen temperature. The temperature dependence, when explained in terms of molecular oscillations and crystal lattice vibrations, predicts a new lattice frequency of 35 cm−1 in addition to the frequencies 73, 95, and 124 cm−1 which have been obtained earlier.