The next step is to see if the evidence of the Echinodermata coincides with and confirms that of the Cephalopoda. The Echinoderms will be tabulated in the same way as the Cephalopoda, beginning with those of Germany. The following table has been compiled from several sources, and may not be quite complete as regards the irregular forms, though it is practically so for the Regulares, this part being taken from Schlüter's monograph on that order:—From this table it will be seen that there are two different Echinoderm faunas in Germany, just as there are two different Cephalopodan faunas, only two species passing from the lower three to the two highest zones. There is not, however, such a clearly marked line of separation; the fauna of the S. binodosus zone seems from the tabulated species to be linked as closely with the higher as with the lower zones, for it contains sixteen species, of which number ten appear to be restricted to the zone and three range both up and down, while one passes downward only and two range upward. This result, however, is deceptive, because the Emscher is so poor in Echinoderms that only six species have been recorded from it, and only eight have been found in the Marsupites zone.