Studies on the Chemistry of Arterial Wall, XVII[1]. Metabolic Characteristics of Different Types of Chondroitin Sulfate-Dermatan Sulfate Hybrids in Arterial Tissue

1) Chondroitin sulfate and dermatan sulfate of bovine arterial tissue exist as copolymers with a varying degree of hybridization between chondroitin and dermatan sulfates. A fraction rich in dermatan sulfate hybridized with 20% chondroitin sulfate (termed DS-rich hybrid) and a fraction rich in chondroitin sulfate containing 17% DS as copolymer constituent (CS-rich hybrid) can be isolated by the subfractionation of the arterial tissue CS-DS preparation. 2) When arterial tissue segments were preincubated with [14C]glucosamine, 95% of the radioactivity incorporated into the glycosaminoglycans was found to be present in the galactosamine moiety of all of the CS-DS subfractions, whereas the relative proportion of 14C radioactivity incorporated into the galactosamine and uronic acid components was 51:49 following preincubation with [14C]glucose. In both experiments the specific radioactivity of the DS-rich hybrids was twice as high as that of the CS-rich hybrids. 3) Enzymatic degradation of the hybrid CS-DS subfractions by chondroitin AC and ABC lyases revealed that the specific radioactivity of the CS and DS disaccharide units released from the DS-rich hybrids was twice as high as those isolated from the CS-rich hybrids, but within each hybrid fraction the galactosamine moieties of the CS and DS units and their glucuronic and iduronic acid components exhibited equal specific radioactivities. 4) The results strongly support the assumption that distinct compartments exist for the formation of hybrid CS-DS proteoglycans with different proportions of CS and DS.