The telemetered electromyographic (EMG) activity of pretibial muscles (tibialis anterior), triceps surae (lateral gastrocnemius), medial hamstring group and quadriceps (vastus lateralis) of 20 normal subjects was examined during locomotion. The ages of the subjects ranged from 8-72 yr (mean, 37 yr). A micro-switch shoe was used to correlate the EMG activity with 8 specific components of the gait cycle. Tibialis anterior showed 2 peaks of activiy, the 1st at the swing-stance transition, the 2nd at the stance-swing transition. Gastrocnemius showed a single peak of activity recorded during push-off. The medial hamstring showed its greatest activity during deceleration in the swing phase. Vastus lateralis demonstrated peak activity at the transition from swing to stance. The mean cadence was 106 steps/min. Swing phase occupied 39.6% and stance phase 60.4% of the gait cycle.