Enhancement of T-cell responsiveness by the lymphocyte-specific tyrosine protein kinase p56lck

Lymphocyte-specific tyrosine protein kinase p56lck is physically associated with CD4 and CD8 T-cell surface molecules, suggesting that it may transduce CD4/CD8-triggered tyrosine phosphorylation signals during antigen stimulation. Indeed, antibody-mediated aggregation of CD4 (to mimic interaction with its ligand, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules), rapidly elevates the kinase activity of p56lck and is associated with marked changes in tyrosine protein phosphorylation. Genetic analyses suggest that the interaction of CD4/CD8 with p56lck results in a positive signal during antigen-induced T-cell activation. To evaluate directly the role of p56lck in T-cell activation, we introduced a constitutively activated form of Lck protein (tyrosine 505 to phenylalanine 505 mutant); in a CD4-negative, MHC-class II restricted mouse T-cell hybridoma. We report here that, as for transfection of CD4, expression of the Lck mutant enhanced T-lymphocyte responsiveness. This finding provides direct evidence that p56lck can positively regulate T-cell functions and that it mediates at least some of the effects of CD4 and CD8 on T-cell activation.