While intellectual effects of brain damage have been studied extensively using both experimental methods and standardized measuring instruments, possible affective defects have generally been only commented upon and grossly described. Several papers have appeared recently, however, which have attempted to describe patterns of emotional disturbance characteristically found in braindamaged patients.* These investigators used the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and have described significant differences in patients with frontal and patients with parietal damage. Results from patients with frontal damage have been characterized by a denial of anxiety, attitudes of acceptance, affability, and self-confidence, schizoid trends, and rather low levels of aspiration. Parietal lesions seem to cause a preponderance of neurotic-like symptoms, such as anxiety, depression, guilt, introversion, feelings of inadequacy, and somatic concern. The extent to which these affective symptoms of brain damage are similar to those in patients with psychotic and neurotic disorders may provide a basis for more effective