A new scintigraphic method for determining left ventricular volumes.

A new scintigraphic count-based method for measuring absolute left ventricular volumes is presented. It is a fast and simple technique that allows geometrical assumptions to be avoided and is free of radiation attenuation corrections. This method requires the acquisition of an image of the left ventricle in the right anterior oblique projection and the collection of gated blood pool images in the left anterior oblique projection. To assess the accuracy of the method scintigraphic stroke volumes were compared with those derived from thermodilution measurements during cardiac catheterization in 20 subjects, and to assess its precision the technique was applied to phantom data of known radionuclide volumes. Excellent correlations were found between the scintigraphic and both the thermodilution (r = .98) and phantom data (r = .99). The reproducibility (r = .97) of results was investigated by repeating data acquisition and analysis for 15 subjects on two different days, and the interobserver variability (r = .97) of the method was studied by having two computer operators calculate volumes for the same patient data for 20 randomly selected studies.