Performance results for the sidelobe level of a compressed pulse that has been preprocessed through an adaptive canceler are obtained. The adaptive canceler is implemented using the sampled matrix inversion algorithm. Because of finite sampling, the quiescent compressed pulse sidelobe levels are degraded due to the preprocessing of the main channel input data stream (the uncompressed pulse) through an adaptive canceler. It is shown that if N is the number of input canceler channels (main and auxiliaries) and K is the number of independent samples per channel, then K/N can be significantly greater than one in order to retain sidelobes that are close to the original quiescent sidelobe level (with no adaptive canceler). Also it is shown that the maximum level of degradation is independent of whether pulse compression occurs before or after the adaptive canceler if the uncompressed pulse is completely contained within the K samples that are used to calculate the canceler weights. This same analysis can be used to predict the canceler noise power level that is induced by having the desired signal present in the canceler weight calculation.

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