The Magellanic System

This review concentrates on observations of neutral hydrogen in the Magellanic System, and what they reveal about the structure, dynamics, evolution and ultimate fate of the LMC and SMC. Some recent observations of 161 Cepheid variables in the SMC are used together with the HI observations to determine the geometry of the SMC. These show that it has an amazing depth of at least 30 kpc. To explain the results it is proposed that the SMC had a close encounter with the LMC which has warped the disk of the LMC, produced the bridge between the two galaxies and tidally fissioned the SMC. The SMC is in the process of irreversible disintegration. It is believed that the Magellanic Clouds are not bound to our Galaxy and approached us from the direction of Andromeda. They may have had a close encounter with Andromeda 3 x 109 years ago, which may explain the massive starburst which occurred in the LMC and SMC at that time. It is believed that the Magellanic Stream has been swept out of the inter-Cloud region by the ram pressure of the gaseous halo of our Galaxy. If dynamic friction is sufficient for the Clouds to be captured and to eventually collide with our Galaxy, a polar ring will be formed similar to that observed in some other galaxies. The polar ring of dwarf spheroidals and outlying globular clusters at present encircling our Galaxy may be the remnants of a previous collision with some other galaxy 6 x 109 years ago.

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