Influence of oat saponins on intestinal permeability in vitro and in vivo in the rat

The aim of the present study was to investigate whether oat saponins (avenacosides A and B) have any effect on the permeability of the rat intestine to actively and passively transported markers in vitro and in vivo. Intestinal segments were mounted in modified Ussing chambers, and thepassage of the different marker compounds from the mucosal to the serosal side was measured for 120 min. Avenacosides (1 mg/ml) gave a significantly higher passage of the macromolecule ovalbumin and there was a tendency to increased passage of [14C]D-mannitol and [15Cr]EDTA. On the other hand, the saponins did not affect the active transport of [3H]methyl glucose. When rats were given saponins (40 mg/kg body weight)together with markers by gastric intubation, the passage of [51Cr]EDTA into blood and urine was somewhat reduced. For the macromolecule bovine serum albumin, no evident effect on the passage was observed in the presence ofsaponins. Thus, in contrast to the in vitro results, the in vivo marker passage seemed to be unaffected or even reduced in the presence of avenacosides. The study shows that saponinscan affect the permeability of the rat intestine. However, this effect needs further investigation in vivo, especially regarding proteins.