Indications for hepatic ultrasonography in breast cancer staging and follow-up

Retrospective analysis of the medical records of 6649 breast cancer patients seen over an 11-year period found 438 patients (6.6%) with liver metastases (LM) and 432 patients (6.5%) with benign liver lesions (BLL). Liver ultrasonography (LUS) and liver function tests had been performed for all patients. LM were the first manifestation of metastatic spread in 20.1% of the 438 patients; median survival was related to the presence (6.7 mo.) or absence (12.2 mo.) of extrahepatic metastases (EHM). Liver function tests were normal in 20.5% of the patients in whom LM were first diagnosed by LUS. Most LM were hypoechoic (70.9%). BLL corresponded to cysts, hemangiomas, calcifications, and focal fatty infiltration. LUS appears indicated for (i) pretherapy disease staging, and in particular for detection of BLL, and (ii) follow-up of patients without EHM for early diagnosis of LM.