Altered Redox State Obscuring Ketoacidosis in Diabetic Patients with Lactic Acidosis

ALTHOUGH lactic acidosis has frequently been reported in diabetes, its simultaneous occurrence with ketoacidosis is alleged to be rare.1 This report describes two diabetic patients demonstrating that ketoacidosis may be artifactually underestimated in the presence of lactic acidosis, and that an unexpectedly weakly reacting serum nitroprusside test,† in the presence of severe metabolic acidosis, should arouse suspicion of lactic acidosis. The nitroprusside reaction, specific for acetoacetate, does not reflect total "ketones," because an increased ratio of beta-hydroxybutyrate to acetoacetate may accompany an elevated ratio of lactate to pyruvate and lead to underestimation of the severity of ketoacidosis.Case ReportsCase . . .

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