We examine resonance fluorescence of a two-level atom in a squeezed vacuum, under the condition that the squeezing bandwidth is much narrower than the Rabi splitting of the Mollow triplet. For a suitable choice of the relative phase between the squeezed vacuum and coherent driving field, we find significant narrowing of the Rabi peaks and inhibited population decay. These results are in marked contrast to previous broadband squeezing analyses, which predict strong broadening of the Rabi peaks and enhanced population decay. We explore the connection between our work and that on the dynamical suppression of spontaneous emission via strongly driven resonance fluorescence in a cavity [Lewenstein, Mossberg, and Glauber, Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 775 (1987)]. By modifying this work to incorporate squeezing of the cavity modes, we are able to combine the features of both systems, and thereby predict strong inhibition of the decay of all three components of the Bloch vector in a possible experimental configuration.