Ventilation and acid-base balance during graded activity in lizards

Arterial PCO2, hydrogen ion ([H+]a), and lactate ([L]a) concentrations, rates of metabolic CO2 production (VCO2) and O2 consumption (VO2), and effective alveolar ventilation (Veff) were determined in the lizards Varanus exanthematicus and Iguana iguana at rest and during steady-state treadmill exercise at 35 degrees C. In Varanus, VCO2 increased ninefold and VO2 sixfold without detectable rise in [L]a at running speeds below 1.0 to 1.5 km x h-1. In this range, Veff increased 12-fold resulting in decreased levels of PaCO2 and [H+]a. At higher speeds [L]a rose. Increments of 5 mM [L]a were accompanied by hyperventilation, reducing PaCO2 and thus maintaining [H+]a near its resting level. When [L]a increased further, [H+]a increased. Sustainable running speeds (0.3-0.5 km x h-1 and below) were often associated with increased VO2, VCO2, and [L]a in Iguana. Sixfold increases in VCO2 and 9-mM increments in [L]a were accompanied by sufficient increase in Veff (9-fold) to maintain [H+]a at or below its control level. When [L]a increased further, [H+]a increased. These results indicate that both lizard species maintain blood acid-base homeostasis rather effectively via ventilatory adjustments at moderate exercise intensities.