Substrate specificity and reaction kinetics of an X-motif ribozyme

The X-motif is an in vitro-selected ribozyme that catalyzes RNA cleavage by an internal phosphoester transfer reaction. This ribozyme class is distinguished by the fact that it emerged as the dominant clone among at least 12 different classes of ribozymes when in vitro selection was conducted to favor the isolation of high-speed catalysts. We have examined the structural and kinetic properties of the X-motif in order to provide a framework for its application as an RNA-cleaving agent and to explore how this ribozyme catalyzes phosphoester transfer with a predicted rate constant that is similar to those exhibited by the four natural self-cleaving ribozymes. The secondary structure of the X-motif includes four stem elements that form a central unpaired junction. In a bimolecular format, two of these base-paired arms define the substrate specificity of the ribozyme and can be changed to target different RNAs for cleavage. The requirements for nucleotide identity at the cleavage site are GD, where D = G, A, or U and cleavage occurs between the two nucleotides. The ribozyme has an absolute requirement for a divalent cation cofactor and exhibits kinetic behavior that is consistent with the obligate binding of at least two metal ions.