Heart Disease Deaths on Death Certificates Re-Evaluated by Clinical Records in a Japanese City

In order to estimate the number of deaths from ischemic heart disease (IHD) in a Japanese city, we re-evaluated heart disease deaths among residents aged 25-74 years by examining their clinical records. During the 2-year period from 1987 to 1988, 271 deaths among this population were attributed to heart disease. The recorded underlying cause of death was IHD in 96 cases, heart failure in 123 cases, and other heart disease in 52 cases. Re-evaluation of the cause of death yielded 57 cases of acute myocardial infarction (AMI), 85 cases of sudden death, 37 cases of heart disease other than IHD, and 63 cases of non-heart disease. In the remaining cases, there was insufficient information for evaluation. According to some autopsy studies, about 50% of sudden deaths are due to IHD. Thus, 50% of the number of sudden death cases may be added to the total number of IHD deaths. Accordingly, the total number of IHD deaths may have been 100, ie, 57 cases of AMI plus 43 cases of sudden death. The difference between the number of IHD deaths after re-evaluation and the number for which IHD was recorded as the underlying cause was small, with the former only 4% higher than the latter. The number of false-positives was equal to the number of false-negatives, and hence the number of IHD deaths recorded in this area seems to be close to the actual figure. We speculate that more accurate death certification will result in a decrease in the total number of deaths attributable to heart disease, as in 23% of deaths attributed to heart disease the underlying cause of death was not in fact heart disease. (Jpn Circ J 1997; 61: 331 - 338)