Germination of Medusahead in Response to Temperature and Afterripening

Requirements for germination of 23 medusahead (Taeniatherum asperum (Sim.) Nevski) selections were investigated in relation to temperature and afterripening requirements, and were compared with the germination characteristics of other grasses. Medusahead germinated best at 10 to 15 C. Germination percentages were markedly lower at 20 and 25 C. Unlike medusahead, germination of all competing or replacement species tested was markedly decreased at lower temperatures (10 C). Above 15 C, medusahead selections had strong afterripening requirements which decreased over time. Shortly after maturity, medusahead caryopses germinated only at low temperatures (10 and 15 C). Germination temperatures became less dominant after a 180-day afterripening period.