Planning and Simulation of Neurosurgery in a Virtual Reality Environment

To report our experience with preoperative neurosurgical planning in our stereoscopic virtual reality environment for 21 patients with intra- and extra-axial brain tumors and vascular malformations. A neurosurgical planning system called VIVIAN (V irtual I ntracranial Vi sualization a nd N avigation) was developed for the Dextroscope, a virtual reality environment in which the operator reaches with both hands behind a mirror into a computer-generated stereoscopic three-dimensional (3-D) object and moves and manipulates the object in real time with natural 3-D hand movements. Patient-specific data sets from multiple imaging techniques (magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic resonance angiography, magnetic resonance venography, and computed tomography) were coregistered, fused, and displayed as a stereoscopic 3-D object. A suite of 3-D tools accessible inside the VIVIAN workspace enabled users to coregister data, perform segmentation, obtain measurements, and simulate intraoperative viewpoints and the removal of bone and soft tissue. VIVIAN was used to plan neurosurgical procedures primarily in difficult-to-access areas, such as the cranial base and the deep brain. The intraoperative and virtual reality 3-D scenarios correlated well. The VIVIAN system substantially contributed to surgical planning by 1) providing a quick and better understanding of intracranial anatomic and abnormal spatial relationships, 2) simulating the craniotomy and the required cranial base bone work, and 3) simulating intraoperative views. The VIVIAN system allows users to work with complex imaging data in a fast, comprehensive, and intuitive manner. The 3-D interaction of this virtual reality environment is essential to the efficient assembly of surgically relevant spatial information from the data derived from multiple imaging techniques. The usefulness of the system is highly dependent on the accurate coregistration of the data and the real-time speed of the interaction.