Separation of the Natural Atria in Experimental Implantation of Total Artificial Heart

Atrial connections in a single-unit total artificial heart (TAH) may be difficult to make because of the rigidity of the device and the fixed position of the atrial inlets. We developed a technique to separate the natural atrial borders in an experimental implantation of a unitary TAH. In this technique, the interatrial groove was dissected to separate the posterior wall of the right atrium from the roof of the left atrium before cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) was initiated. After initiation of CPB and cardiectomy, the atrial septum was separated completely, and the right atrial wall was reconstructed with glutaraldehyde-treated autopericardium. We believe that this simple adjunctive technique provides increased mobility of the atrial cuffs and allows for an easier connection of the unitary TAH.