Studies of the spatial and temporal evolution of a dense plasma focus in the X-ray region

The dynamics of the plasma evolution in a dense plasma focus has been studied using a streak camera system in the soft X-ray region. The experiments were performed on a medium energy plasma focus operating with a hydrogen-argon admixture. The streak camera system employed provides nanosecond resolution and allows the plasma to be viewed simultaneously through two different filters to achieve energy resolution. Observations are made in the radial direction and along the pinch axis. Collimated X-ray PIN diodes suitably filtered were used to provide additional information on the structure of the X-ray emitting regions of the plasma. The plasma focus is observed to be totally dynamical and continuously evolving in nanosecond time scale. Hot spots are observed to form among the moving plasma at various times. Such continuous nanosecond time scale evolution of the focus pinch in the X-ray region have not been reported previously.