A study has been made of alkaline phosphatase activity (using the method of Gomori) and cyto-plasmic basophilia in the hepatic cells of rats fed p-dimethylaminoazobenzene in a diet which renders the liver of the animal susceptible to consequent cancer production. 33 albino rats were offered a diet of unpolished rice supplemented with fresh carrots. p-Dimethylaminoazobenzene was included at a level of 0.06%. At approx. weekly intervals from 7 to 258 days the animals were killed and studied histologically. A slight tendency toward decreased alkaline phosphatase activity at pH 9 was present in association with hepatic chromatolysis. In contrast an increased activity was frequently present, both in the nucleus (nuclear membrane chromatin, nucleolus, dividing chromosomes) and to a lesser degree in the cytoplasm in foci of basophilic hyperplastic and proliferating cells.