Two reports1of the successful treatment of pneumococcic meningitis with 2-(p-aminobenzenesulfonamido) pyridine (sulfapyridine) have recently appeared from England. In view of the rarity of recovery from this disease and the apparent effectiveness of this new drug2in the condition, the following case is presented: B. A., a white girl aged 14 years, admitted to the Charles V. Chapin Hospital Nov. 16, 1938, had had a nonproductive cough for two weeks but did not feel sick until three days before admission. At this time headache, projectile vomiting, increasing restlessness and a rise in temperature suddenly developed. She was delirious on admission. The temperature was 103.6 F., the pulse 104, the respiratory rate 26. The blood pressure was 98 systolic, 62 diastolic. Her neck was stiff and the Kernig sign was present. Physical examination showed no other abnormalities. In particular the lungs were clear, and no origin of the infection