The Membrane Method of Electron Microscope Autoradiography

Thin sections of methacrylate and Araldite embedded tissues labelled with radioactive isotopes were transferred with a wire loop or brush from the knife edge onto thin formvar membranes which covered 7 mm holes in 76 X 25 X 1.5 mm or 76 X 38 X 1.5 mm plastic slides. To facilitate the mounting of sections, a platform supported the plastic slides close to the ultramicrotome knife. Photographic emulsion diluted 1:5 or 1:10 with water was applied with a pipette to the upper surface of each formvar membrane to cover the mounted sections. Excess emulsion was drained off and the remaining thin film was dried on a warm plate at 45 C to produce a uniform layer over the sections. After storing in the dark for several weeks, preparations were processed in photographic solutions and washed, and sometimes stained, before applying electron microscope grids to the underside of each formvar membrane. To detach each grid with its adherent formvar, section and emulsion, the membrane was pierced around the perimeter of the grid. Grain counts made over nuclei of cells labelled with tritiated thymidine indicate that emulsion is uniformly distributed over each section and that quantitative comparison is possible between labelled areas.