A project was undertaken to verify the intensities and energies of gamma transitions following the decay of 176mLu and to provide reliable data for the measurement of 176mLu activity by gamma spectrometry. The only identifiable impurities in the 176mLu activity were 1.0% 177Lu and 0.03% 24Na. The following quantities were determined: the absolute intensity of the principal gamma radiation (88.36 keV), measured with an accurately calibrated 100 cm3 GeLi coaxial detector, using 2 pi gamma sources prepared from a standardised 176mLu solution, and found to be (0.0890+or-0.0015); the ratios of Hf K X-rays to the principal gamma ray, using an intrinsic germanium detector; the half-life of 176mLu, measured with a 4 pi beta counter and an NaI(Tl) well-type photon counter and found to be (3.635+or-0.003) h; the relationship of the intensities of eight low-intensity gamma rays to the most intense member of this group (1159 keV); the relationship of the 1159 keV gamma ray to the principal gamma radiation to obtain absolute intensities for the whole group. No gamma emissions were identified other than those observed by Bernthal et al. (1971) who published only the relative intensities which were about twice the present values and subject to significantly greater uncertainties.

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