Transrectal probe for 1H MRI and 31P MR spectroscopy of the prostate gland

A transrectal probe for 1H imaging and 31P MR spectroscopy of the prostate gland is described. The probe is covered with plastic and consists of an insertional portion containing an rf coil and a handle containing a tuning and matching circuit. Using this transrectal probe, 1H MR images and the first 31P MR spectra of the in situ canine prostate were obtained. Serial alterations in prostate size and changes in the ratio of phosphomonoesters to ATP ratio following orchiectomy were observed. Transrectal images of the prostate appear to be superior to conventional whole body coil images in the canine. For the first time a device to obtain high signal‐to‐noise 1H images and 31P spectra of the in situ prostate has been constructed. This will allow the assessment oftransrectal imaging and spctroscopy as tools for medical studies of prostate pathophysiology.