Arteriovenous Fistulas After Cardiac Catheterization

• In a review of five Dayton, Ohio, area hospitals during a six-year period, seven patients who were treated for an acquired arteriovenous (A-V) fistula after cardiac catheterization were identified. Four patients had undergone cardiac studies in area hospitals, while three were studied elsewhere. The four A-V fistulas after 23 291 cardiac catheterization procedures in Dayton hospitals represented an incidence of 0.017% for this complication. Congestive heart failure and limb ischemia were the most frequent presenting symptoms that developed from two to ten months after catheterization. Intentional puncture of both the artery and vein of the ipsilateral groin for right- and left-sided heart studies was the probable cause of fistula formation in two cases. Five patients sustained inadvertent injury to both an artery and adjacent vein during percutaneous vascular access. Six A-V fistulas that involved femoral vessels were managed by division of the fistula with lateral repair of the artery and vein. An unusual communication between the right thyrocervical trunk and the internal jugular vein was handled by ligation of the affected vessels. Prompt surgical correction of this unusual complication of percutaneous vascular access is recommended as spontaneous closure is unlikely. (Arch Surg 1989;124:1313-1315)