A Method for the Experimental Production of Chronic Bacterial Cystitis in Dogs

The authors describe the production of chronic bact. cystitis in dogs following the use of x-ray treatments. The treatments were given as follows: K.V.P., 135; milliamperes, 5; distance in cm., 20, 25, and 30; portal, anterior aspect of bladder; field, 7 by 7 cm.; filter[long dash]1st day, 2 mm. Al; 2d day, 3 mm. Al; 3d day[long dash]0.25 mm. Cu and 0.5 mm. Al; total r units administered, 1,200. The dogs received 400 r units on each of 3 successive days. In an effort to obtain a homogeneous exposure of the entire bladder wall the distance was varied during each treatment from 20 cm. to 25 cm. to 30 cm. each day, while the filtration of the x-rays was adjusted correspondingly, as indicated. The bladder was kept distended during the treatment by injn. of 20-30 cc. of sterile normal saline or of a bact. culture. Of 5 dogs, 2 continued to excrete a large number of bacteria {Streptococcus jecalis, Staphylococcus albus). Special precautions were taken to avoid exogenous infection during catheteri-zation. Repeated instillation of a heavy suspension of Escherichia coli into the bladder during x-ray treatment caused excretion of this organism for 33 days in one instance and 12 days in another, while S. fecalis continued to be eliminated in large numbers with the urine. This radiation cystitis may prove a suitable test object for the evaluation of urinary antiseptics.