Sensitivity to Shearing and Compressive Motion in Random Dots

The sensitivity of the visual system to motion of differentially moving random dots was measured. Two kinds of one-dimensional motion were compared: standing-wave patterns where dot movement amplitude varied as a sinusoidal function of position along the axis of dot movement (longitudinal or compressional waves) and patterns of motion where dot movement amplitude varied as a sinusoidal function orthogonal to the axis of motion (transverse or shearing waves). Spatial frequency, temporal frequency, and orientation of the motion were varied. The major finding was a much larger threshold rise for shear than for compression when motion spatial frequency increased beyond 1 cycle deg−1. Control experiments ruled out the extraneous cues of local luminance or local dot density. No conspicuous low spatial-frequency rise in thresholds for any type of differential motion was seen at the lowest spatial frequencies tested, and no difference was seen between horizontal and vertical motion. The results suggest that at the motion threshold spatial integration is greatest in a direction orthogonal to the direction of motion, a view consistent with elongated receptive fields most sensitive to motion orthogonal to their major axis.