Characterization of virus-specific RNA synthesized in bovine cells infected with bovine viral diarrhea virus

Infection of bovine kidney cells with bovine viral diarrhea virus resulted in the synthesis of a single species of virus-specific RNA. Electrophoresis of this RNA on agarose-urea and agarose-formaldehyde gels indicated that it had a molecular weight of 2.9 X 10(6), corresponding to 8,200 bases (8.2 kilobases). This 8.2-kilobase RNA was resistant to RNase A treatment at 1 microgram/ml but was digested at higher concentrations of RNase (10 micrograms/ml). Sedimentation on neutral sucrose gradients indicated that the majority of this RNA (98%) sedimented at 21S, with a small amount sedimenting at 33S. Sedimentation on formaldehyde-containing sucrose gradients resulted in the conversion of all of the RNA to the faster-sedimenting form. At no time after infection were we able to detect virus-specific RNA species of lower molecular weight than the 8.2-kilobase RNA. The implications of these findings with respect to the means of replication of various togaviruses are discussed.