Les Relations Entre Le Travail Mecanique Ventilatoire Pendant L'Exercice Musculaire Et La Capacitr Pulmonaire Totale Chez L'Individu Sain

The mechanical work of breathing during muscular exercise has been measured on 3 normal subjects having different total lung capacity values. The relation between mechanical work of breathing and ventilation was found to be given by the equation proposed by Otis et al. (1950): W = 0.5 π 2K1 V2 + 1.33 π 2K2 V3 The constants K1 and K2, expressing the viscous and turbulent resistances of breathing, were calculated for each subject. The reciprocal values of the constants K1 and K2, namely the viscous and turbulent conductance, were found to be linearly related to the total lung capacity. For a given ventilation, the mechanical work of breathing was found to be greater in subjects with smaller total lung capacity values. Therefore, in deciding whether the mechanical work of breathing measured on a patient lies within normal limits, it is necessary to take into account his total lung capacity value.

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