Vibrational relaxation in HCl–CO2 and HCl–N2O mixtures studied by the laser-induced fluorescence method

Rate constants kM–HCl and kHCl–M for the energy transfer between the vibrational levels 0001 of M=CO2 or N2O and v=1 of HCl have been measured from 300 to about 900 K using the laser induced‐fluorescence method. The VRT de‐excitation rates kHClM of M(0001) by HCl, and kMHC1 of HCl(v=1) by M have also been determined from measurements of the relaxation constants versus the molar fraction of M in the mixture. These rates are found to be on the same order of magnitude as the VV transfer rates kM–HCl and kHCl–M, respectively. The VV transfer and VRT de‐excitation rates are evaluated from a method, developed by Shin, on the basis of a transfer of vibrational energy into rotational energy of HCl, and the calculated values are compared to the experimental results.