Maximal force as a function of anatomical features of motor units in the cat tibialis anterior

In 11 tibialis anterior muscles of the cat, a single motor unit was characterized physiologically and subsequently depleted of its glycogen through repetitive stimulation of an isolated ventral root filament. Muscle cross sections were stained for glycogen using a periodic acid-Schiff reaction, and single-fiber optical densities were determined to identify those fibers belonging to the stimulated motor unit. Innervation ratios were determined by counting the total number of muscle fibers in a motor unit in sections taken through several levels of the muscle. The average innervation ratios for the fast, fatigueable (FF) and fast, fatigue-resistant (FR) units were similar. However, the slow units (S) contained 61% fewer fibers than the fast units (FF and FR). Muscle fibers belonging to S and FR units were similar in cross-sectional area, whereas fibers belonging to FF units were significantly larger than fibers belonging to either S or FR units. Additionally, muscle fibers innervated by a single motoneuron varied by two- to eightfold in cross-sectional area. Specific tensions, based on total cross-sectional area determined by summing the areas of all muscle fibers of each unit, showed a modest difference between fast and slow units, the means being 23.5 and 17.2 N X cm-2, respectively. Variations in maximum tension among units could be explained principally by innervation ratio, although fiber cross-sectional area and specific tension did contribute to differences between unit types.