Construct validation of a trait self‐regulation model

A confirmatory factor model of trait self‐regulation was tested in a sample of 246 eleventh‐graders in Korea. The good model fit and the pattern of factor correlations indicated that the third‐order factor, trait self‐regulation, was composed of two second‐order factors, trait metacognition and trait motivation; trait metacognition was composed of planning and self‐checking, and trait motivation was composed of effort and self‐efficacy. Trait metacognition and trait motivation were highly related, but were two distinguishable trait constructs. Importance of understanding both state and trait attributes of student characteristics in determining individual differences in learning and performance was discussed. It was suggested that teachers examine students' trait self‐regulatory behaviours via measuring their trait planning and self‐checking behavioural tendencies and their effort and self‐efficacy levels prior to providing self‐regulatory skill training.