Comparison tools for assessing the microgravity environment of space missions, carriers, and conditions

The microgravity environment of the NASA Shuttles and Russia's Mir space station have been measured by specially designed accelerometer systems. The need for comparisons between different missions, vehicles, conditions, etc. has been addressed by the two new processes described in this paper. The Principal Component Spectral Analysis (PCSA) and Quasi- steady Three-dimensional Histogram (QTH) techniques provide the means to describe the microgravity acceleration environment of a long time span of data on a single plot. As described in this paper, the PCSA and QTH techniques allow both the range and the median of the microgravity environment to be represented graphically on a single page. A variety of operating conditions may be made evident by using PCSA or QTH plots. The PCSA plot can help to distinguish between equipment operating full time or part time, as well as show the variability of the magnitude and/or frequency of an acceleration source. A QTH plot summarizes the magnitude and orientation of the low-frequency acceleration vector. This type of plot can show the microgravity effects of attitude, altitude, venting, etc.